Monday, 28 March 2011
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Monday, 21 March 2011
Monday, 14 March 2011
New! Script Idea
After receiving feedback on our Rough Cut, we have decided to add more of a script to the film , but still keeping to minimal use of acting. We would film a purposefully mundane conversation between the two girls we have filmed at the actual kidnap, and stage what the sounds would be like before they come around the corner.
We would cut out the visuals and open doors have the sound of walking beside them as they talked about something they were doing at the weekend, for example drunk texting an ex, something that seems personal, similarly to the famous conversations in the Quentin Tarantino films Pulp Fiction or Death Proof.
rough Cut feedback
-it is really disturbing
-she looks dead at the end so we need to add something to explain that she is not dead
-we need to show that the person being kidnaped is also the person in the dark room
-we need more of the dark shots
-possibly have the two girls laughing before the kidnaping
-add some more contrasting shots
-sounds are good it add something extra to the disturbing feel
-we need credits/they should be minimalistic
-she looks dead at the end so we need to add something to explain that she is not dead
-we need to show that the person being kidnaped is also the person in the dark room
-we need more of the dark shots
-possibly have the two girls laughing before the kidnaping
-add some more contrasting shots
-sounds are good it add something extra to the disturbing feel
-we need credits/they should be minimalistic
Advertising Our Film.
In order to make our film successful we would need to have good advertising to make people aware about the film. For example we could advertise our film through television, this would mean having a trailer to raise awareness of the film and get people wanting to watch it. Another way we could advertise it is by using poster situated around cities and on different mode of transport such as buses, trains and taxi's. Advertising could also be done by getting permission to put trailers or posters on to other peoples web pages ,on the internet you could also have a trailer on youtube.
What Kind Of Cinema Would Your Film Be Released In?
Our film will be released worldwide in a number of different cinema's which are big companies such as Cineworld and Vue. It would then be released into Imax and smaller cinema's across the country including The Picture House in Cambridge.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Rough Cut
The rough cut of our opening sequence has our general plot included in it as well as a sample music track that we need to extend. We need to add more footage to our video as well as the credits we should be able to finish our final opening sequence by the 21st March.
Target Audience Expectiations
For our audience we are targeting people who enjoy thrillers that have many enigmas, where there are questions raised throughout and especially in the opening sequence which we have made.
The age of people we hope to target are older teens over 15 as the content in our thriller could be seen as unsuitable for anyone younger than that.
The age of people we hope to target are older teens over 15 as the content in our thriller could be seen as unsuitable for anyone younger than that.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Vertigo Opening Sequence/ World Cinema Thriller
Vertigo was made in 1958 and is a film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The opening sequence in the film is a close up of a women's face, it then zooms into her eye. The music used is a classic thriller soundtrack of a high pitched violin with a repeated loud distorted sound. When the camera zooms into the women's eyes her face looks worried and scared as if she was has just been kidnapped. The camera then zooms into one of her eye's, when this happens the background turns into a red blurred effect. The women's pupil begins to turn and move in a swirled motion this is done by multi coloured graphic effects. Throughout this whole scene credits have been flashing on the screen in all different transitions. Once the credits have been completed the screen turns black and it opens to a scene of a rooftop police chase of a mysterious man running away and a policeman and another man chasing him. The establishing shot shows that the scene is set on a rooftop in a large city. The only lights are the city lights. The music then speeds up into a more fast paced sound with the continuous repeated sound being longer. There are also guns shots. The victim then jumps onto a slanted rooftop and the policeman follows. The other man with the police man then jumps and falls grabbing onto the gutter. The police man sees this and tries to help the man however the policeman falls off the rooftop with the other man still hanging off the rooftop. There are many thriller conventions used in this opening sequence. The high pitched violin sound with the distorted tone makes the thriller engaging. The close up of the women's scared and worried face makes the audience ask questions. There are many enigma's in this opening sequence like "Why is the police man chasing a man in a white jacket?" and "Why the women is scared and worried". The police chase and gun shots are both thriller conventions that also extinguishes the difference between thriller and horror.
Analysis Of Potential Thriller Titles
Potential Thriller Titles:
.The Disappearance of Elizabeth Smith
.The Disappearance of Elizabeth Smith
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
ideas for editing
in our editing we could try parallel editing so we have a contrast of something that could seem pretty and not at all off putting for the audience and something that is a bit disturbing.this is a way of editing that thrillers use and it seems to work well by doing this and helps stick to the thriller convention.
we could also use quick cuts which also help to disturb the audience as they can not tell what is going on very clearly and that puts then on edge and want the many questions they have to be answered.
the music for the film will need to be edgy and have contrast in pitches between instruments so then it does not sound right for a piece of music.
we could also use quick cuts which also help to disturb the audience as they can not tell what is going on very clearly and that puts then on edge and want the many questions they have to be answered.
the music for the film will need to be edgy and have contrast in pitches between instruments so then it does not sound right for a piece of music.
Monday, 7 March 2011
Blog Analysis - How We Are Going To Use Our Feedback
- With our feedback, we will go through our blog posts and look for ways of incorporating more technical language into our posts.
- We will also target our posts which have quite a lot of writing in it and put more visual aids into it to break it up eg photos and trailers.
This will hopefully make our blog a higher grade and include the best quality writing that we can do.
Finally, we will continue to post quality posts with variety and visual aids.
Class feedback.
Variety of blog posts.
- have a good variety.
Appropriate visual aids.
- good use of visual aids but could use more to break up big blocks of writing.
Appropriate use of technical vocabulary.
- clear vocabulary however could use more technical language.
Quality of posts : content, explanations and clarity.
- very thorough and a lot of information.
Development of ideas/stages.
- good use of headings, development throughout posts.
- developed the poster idea well showing different stages of developing the idea and the stages to the work.
- have a good variety.
Appropriate visual aids.
- good use of visual aids but could use more to break up big blocks of writing.
Appropriate use of technical vocabulary.
- clear vocabulary however could use more technical language.
Quality of posts : content, explanations and clarity.
- very thorough and a lot of information.
Development of ideas/stages.
- good use of headings, development throughout posts.
- developed the poster idea well showing different stages of developing the idea and the stages to the work.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
RUN LOLA RUN (Tom Tykwer, 1998)
In the opening sequence of Run Lola Run, a german thriller film, we see a lot of people on a busy open area and it zooms in on people until you get to a police man and he is talking all about games, which leads us into the idea that the film is going to be like a game. Then the police man kicks a ball in the air as if to start the game and you begin to see credits with an animated background. This moves into introducing the main characters which are the same as the main people that were focused on in the public area right at the beginning. One of the main characters we are firstly introduced to, Lola, shows a point of view shot of when she walks through a corridor to a phone which rings and the other character, which is Manni, her boyfriend, is on the other end and we see a heated and tense phone call.
Thriller Conventions
Throughout the opening sequence we are introduced to many enigmas which is a thriller convention like what is wrong with manni why is he so destrested but before this you wonder who is going to pick the phone up that is ringing and you also start to wonder who is calling the phone you see.
you feel as though you are part of what is happening as you get dragged in in the intences opening sequence you have a feeling of confusion as you want to know what is wrong with manni and lola but you wil have to wait leaving you in suspence antious to see what happens to them.
Thriller Conventions
Throughout the opening sequence we are introduced to many enigmas which is a thriller convention like what is wrong with manni why is he so destrested but before this you wonder who is going to pick the phone up that is ringing and you also start to wonder who is calling the phone you see.
you feel as though you are part of what is happening as you get dragged in in the intences opening sequence you have a feeling of confusion as you want to know what is wrong with manni and lola but you wil have to wait leaving you in suspence antious to see what happens to them.
lesson by lesson diary progress.
28th february - Group worked on blogging and film analysing.
2nd march - Charlotte worked on editing our footage. The rest of the group worked together on analysing films, creating blog posts and discussing ideas for our music.
3rd march - Victoria worked on editing some of our blog posts. Charlotte carried on editing our final footage. Naomi and Emma did research into world cinema thrillers and analysed these. Daisy was absent.
7th march - gathered class feedback and posted on the blog. started to work towards the changes we could make within our blog posts. Vic and Daisy posted the feedback from the class. Emma, Charlotte and Naomi posted how we are going to use the feedback.
9th march - Naomi was working on our storyboards. Daisy was working on world cinema blog posts and Victoria was producing music. Charlotte and Emma were absent.
10th march - naomi and emma were working on storyboards and vic and daisy were working on credits. Charlotte absent. We uploaded our rough cut opening sequence
14th march - Naomi and Victoria worked on the blog and gathered feedback from Amar and Tanya. Emma and Daisy were absent.
16th march - Vic, Daisy, Emma and Naomi filmed some more footage and continued to edit the film. Charlotte was absent.
17th march - finished off editing the film - charlotte took control but victoria made the credits and Daisy worked on the blog.
21st march - finished off the editing. Daisy was absent.
2nd march - Charlotte worked on editing our footage. The rest of the group worked together on analysing films, creating blog posts and discussing ideas for our music.
3rd march - Victoria worked on editing some of our blog posts. Charlotte carried on editing our final footage. Naomi and Emma did research into world cinema thrillers and analysed these. Daisy was absent.
7th march - gathered class feedback and posted on the blog. started to work towards the changes we could make within our blog posts. Vic and Daisy posted the feedback from the class. Emma, Charlotte and Naomi posted how we are going to use the feedback.
9th march - Naomi was working on our storyboards. Daisy was working on world cinema blog posts and Victoria was producing music. Charlotte and Emma were absent.
10th march - naomi and emma were working on storyboards and vic and daisy were working on credits. Charlotte absent. We uploaded our rough cut opening sequence
14th march - Naomi and Victoria worked on the blog and gathered feedback from Amar and Tanya. Emma and Daisy were absent.
16th march - Vic, Daisy, Emma and Naomi filmed some more footage and continued to edit the film. Charlotte was absent.
17th march - finished off editing the film - charlotte took control but victoria made the credits and Daisy worked on the blog.
21st march - finished off the editing. Daisy was absent.
- discussion between the girl who gets kidnapped (girl two) and her friend (girl one).
girl one - so what are you going to do then?
girl two - oh i've just got to wait here for tony.
girl one -alright then ill see you later.
girl two -bye.
girl one - so what are you going to do then?
girl two - oh i've just got to wait here for tony.
girl one -alright then ill see you later.
girl two -bye.
Changes to our work.
Due to a number of different reasons we have changed our ideas and the way the thriller will look. At the beginning of this topic we had various different ideas which all seemed very good however, we encountered some problems and had to re think our ideas and how we were going to go about producing the thriller. We originally though of some ideas which evolved around the idea of a kidnapping. We felt that our ideas were good but could be better so, we set about changing the thriller so it would not only have more impact on the audience but put across our ideas in a stronger way to the audience. We also changed the location of our filming because we felt that due to a number of reasons, it would have a better impact on the audience. We originally thought that we would film the thriller in the town centre but after thinking over a number of different issues such as how we would make it look realistic without getting too much attention of the public as this would ruin the look we wanted to create. Some other of our reasons for changing the location were that we felt it would look too unrealistic for what we wanted. For example, by filming in the centre of town we would have had to take into account the shops which surrounded the area we wanted to film in and the lighting in the location (filming during the day could look even more unrealistic).
However are re-grouping and thinking about our ideas we managed to come up with some new ideas and found two new locations to film in. We are happier with the footage that we have now and feel that we have been able to include some new ideas by changing the location.
We do understand that because of us changing certain aspects of our thriller, this now means that the work on the blog is now incorrect to what were working on but we will relate all of our new blog posts to our new idea and we will work towards changing all of our wall posts.
However are re-grouping and thinking about our ideas we managed to come up with some new ideas and found two new locations to film in. We are happier with the footage that we have now and feel that we have been able to include some new ideas by changing the location.
We do understand that because of us changing certain aspects of our thriller, this now means that the work on the blog is now incorrect to what were working on but we will relate all of our new blog posts to our new idea and we will work towards changing all of our wall posts.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Volver (2006)

A woman sees Riamunda's mother(who has come to comfort her family) has begun reappearing in ghostly form -- a fact questioned by Raimunda and Sole. After a murder and an unexpected family tragedy, and Sole must decide how to respond to the long-dead mother's strange, enchanting presence.The plot is very thriller-like in that it is very complex and mysterious.
Analysis of Caché (Hidden) [Michael Haneke 2005]

How does the opening sequence of this film use thriller conventions?
it poses a sense of mystery and investigation, through watching an empty street for a prolonged period of time, the audience is forced to watch and listen intently for anything that moves the plot forward. haneke has made use of voyeurism, a power over people that you secretly watch, a theme that is common in thrillers, where the antagonist controls the protagonist by watching and controlling them into a complex situation. and finally haneke gives a sense of something extraordinary about to happen in what seems an ordinary street.
What questions does it pose?
what are we looking for?
which of the people that we see are important?
how closely are the the two characters linked to the tape?
are they the victims or just bystanders?
How does the sequence make the audience feel?
deliberately disoriented and confused, a common technique in thrillers, and allows the audience to feel consumed by the plot and want to watch and know more about what they're looking for.
Poster Analysis - Black Swan

You can tell the film is performance orientated due to the use of make up and the raised arm of the actor. Black Swan is written in simple serif capitals and the letters are spreading apart. They stand out against the pale skin and leaves the title as the one of the most eye catching things on the picture. You can also tell a little about the story, in that the main character or plot has some kind of breakdown shown by the resounding crack that parts the darker side of her face from the light.
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